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Friday, May 25, 2018

Don’t Give Up: Learn to Accept Help from Others

In review of Job 6:14 it says, “When desperate people give up on God Almighty, their friends, at least, should stick with them” (The Message).

When things get desperate and I find myself looking toward wanting to give up, I need to look for my friends, or brothers who are truly walking with God for help and perspective. Interestingly enough, given the workload myself and my team are facing, I have others in the organization who recognize and see this. They have offered to help, and offer some suggestions or volunteer to take on tasks. I just need to swallow my pride, because I keep thinking I can do it all, reach out, ask and coordinate with them. I need to humble myself, set aside my pride (arrogance in thinking I know it all) and accept the help.

Lately, I have thoughts that have cropped up especially given what’s been going on in my work life, where I perhaps I should just give up and find a different job, and avoid the pressure.

Part of my goals in changing jobs was to use what I know to make a difference in a different organization that needed help. God did grant me this opportunity, but I believe I may have gone into it with some forms of arrogance in my abilities and being able to handle problems from past experiences. What I’m finding is a much more difficult situation to what I thought of. So while He granted me what I thought I as was asking for, He provided an opportunity which is stretching much more than I anticipated.

I’m reminded as I read this passage from Job and the application notes associated with it, that God does not always grant my request in the way I want it. He has a greater plan for me. While my tendency may be to just give up and get out when the going gets rough, He is teaching me more about His character and to put my trust Him during the difficult times tests. These are all things to grow my limits and exercise my faith. So, in my struggles, large or small, I need to trust that God is in control and that he will take care of me. I also must believe that God offers help from those who know me and my situation.

So while my natural reaction is to withdraw from others when I face these problems, I’m reminded that is is a bad idea! God doesn’t want me to try handling pain or loss or stress by myself.

Also the Bible says, “When desperate people give up on God Almighty, their friends, at least, should stick with them” (Job 6:14 The Message). God commands me to bear each other’s burdens! I’m told to “encourage one another and build each other up” (1 Thessalonians 5:11 NIV). But I’m also to be open to be encouraged and built up by others.

Everyone experiences difficulties and pain. Pain is the great equalizer. It doesn’t matter if I’m rich or poor, old or young. Everyone faces troubles. This is why small groups are so important. The Bible says, “By helping each other with your troubles, you truly obey the law of Christ” (Galatians 6:2 NCV).

Job says, “Anyone who withholds kindness from a friend forsakes the fear of the Almighty” (Job 6:14 NIV). The Good News Translation says, “In trouble like this I need loyal friends — whether I’ve forsaken God or not.

I need Christian friends who will stand alongside me even when I say, “I don’t think I can do it right now” and who will nurse you back to faith.

This also speaks to myself when I see those around me suffering from trouble. When others are going through severe trials, ill-advised counsel on my part is distasteful. While they may listen politely, inside they can still be upset. Often it is better to show compassion more than advice.

Bottom Line:
When things are tough, we need our friends to help ease us through it.

What this means to me:
When I get desperate and want to give up, look to my friends, or brothers who are truly walking with God for help and perspective.

Thank you Father for your word and time with you today. “I pray, that you will help me humble myself and my arrogance and accept help that is coming my way. I also continue to ask you for wisdom in handling the tasks in front of me, in communicating and encouraging those who work for me, and to respond rightly to others.