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Wednesday, February 17, 2016

Getting to Know God Better

In review of Philippians 3:10 it says, “For my determined purpose is that I may ... progressively become more deeply and intimately acquainted with Him, perceiving and recognizing and understanding the wonders of His Person more strongly and more clearly.”

Bottom Line:
A driving force should be to get to know God better each day.

What this means to me:
A driving force in my life should be to know him more deeply and intimately each day. Spend time perceiving, recognizing and understanding the wonder of His Person more strongly and clearly.

What I’m learning is that happiness is found in getting to know God a little better each day.  I was made to live in relationship with him.

This is something that Paul discovered and wrote about. In Philippians 3:10 he says, “For my determined purpose is that I may ... progressively become more deeply and intimately acquainted with Him, perceiving and recognizing and understanding the wonders of His Person more strongly and more clearly” (AMP).

There is a big difference in knowing about someone and knowing someone. I know more about some celebrities than I want to, but I don’t really know them. I know my wife and I know my daughter and son-in-law because I spend time with them. I have a relationship with them.

Paul became “deeply and intimately acquainted” with God because he had a relationship with him and took the time to get to know him.

One thing is for sure, I won’t get to know God by accident. Rather it’s through a “determined purpose.” It’s something I alone have to do something about. I must invest time in it.

Unfortunately, we all get too busy, and busyness if left unchecked, destroys relationships. It destroys your relationship with your family, your friends and it destroys your relationship with God.

In order for me to know Jesus, I’ve got to spend time with him. In order to spend time with him, I’ve got to make time for him. Fortunately I have gotten into the habit of getting focused time on weekday mornings with God.