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Thursday, September 17, 2015

A Place Where I Can Learn To Love

In review of Matthew 16:18b it says, “I will build my church, and all the powers of hell will not conquer it.”

Bottom Line:
Jesus builds the church and the powers of death or hell will not be able to overcome it.

What this means to me:
What Jesus has built, the church, will stand forever. Neither death nor hell will be able to conquer it or kill it.

This means that only the Church will last forever. Nothing else is going to last. No business, government or nation will last forever.

Jesus said in Matthew 16:18b, “I will build my church, and all the powers of hell will not conquer it” (NLT). The Church is the most magnificent idea God or any human being ever thought up.

The entire universe was created for God’s family and God’s family is called the Church.

Rick Warren reminds us that “The Church is not a building. The Church is the family of God. God wanted a family, so he decided to create the entire universe just so he could create Earth just so he could create human beings just so we could have the free choice to choose or reject him. He knew that some of us would choose to love him back, and he’s going to take us to Heaven to be part of his family forever.”

What does this mean since I'm already in God’s family? It means that since we’re all going to live together forever, I better learn to get along. While I'm here on Earth, you must love the family of God.

In addition to loving God, I must also love his Church. God loves the church so much, He died for it. Someone who says, “I love Jesus, but I don’t need the Church” doesn’t get it. That person is an immature believer. A lot of people use the Church but don’t love it.

The key for me is will I love the Church or just use it? Christ died for it. Therefor I must learn to love every believer in the Body of Christ.

In summary, Jesus builds the church. Because of this, neither the powers of death nor hell itself will not be able to overcome it. His Church will not be conquered. God I thank you for providing a safe place for me to learn how to love. What I’m learning is that the church, his family on earth, is the institution that he created that will last forever, it can not be defeated or dissolved. God loves it and I too need to learn to love those who are part of it. It's the safest place for me to learn to love others. What I need to consider is if I use it or be part of it and learn along with it. So far I have decided to invest into the local church in my community, offering to serve in different capacities. However, today I will consider if there are those that I tend to stay away from. I should consider how I can open my heart towards them.