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Wednesday, December 13, 2017

The Assurance of Answered Prayer Brings Peace

In review of Psalm 3:3 it says, “But Lord, you are my shield, my glory, and my only hope. You alone can lift my head, now bowed in shame.”

Bottom Line:
Lord you are our protection and hope. You alone can lift us up.

What this means to me:
God is my protection, the glory in my life, and my only true hope. He alone can lift up my head.

Today's verse comes from Psalm 3. In a time of fleeing, David shows how he confidently trusts God for protection and peace. David was in a minority. Not only did David's enemies view life differently, they actively sought to harm him. Instead of trusting in his army to defeat Absalom, he depended upon God's mercy therefore, he was at peace with whatever outcome occurred, knowing that God's great purpose would prevail. I too can overcome any fear by trusting God for his protection even in my darkest hour.

When writing this Psalm, David was running for his life from his rebellious son, Absalom, and a host of other traitors. When circumstances go against me, I can be tempted to think that God is also against me. But David reminds me that the opposite is true. When everything seems to go wrong, God is still for me. If a circumstance has turned against me, don't blame God, rather seek him as God responds when we earnestly pray to him.

Sleep doesn't come easily during a crisis. David could have had sleepless nights when his son Absalom rebelled and gathered any army to kill him. But he slept peacefully, even during the rebellion. The difference is because David cried out to the Lord, and the Lord heard him. The assurance of answered prayer brings peace. It is easier to sleep well when we have full assurance that God is in control of circumstances. If I find myself lying awake at night worrying about what I can't change, I should pour out my heart to God, and thank him that he is in control. Then sleep will come. David realized that faith in God's timing was the answer to his question about the success the wicked had unfairly achieved.

So I can praise God, the Glory and the Lifter of my head. Praise Him for the good things in my life and for the trials. He alone is worthy! When I begin to praise God, the rest of the world just melts away. The evil of the day moves into the background as God takes center stage.

I have been placed on this earth with a divine purpose. I have a destiny that no one else can fulfill. I am unique! I am blessed and highly favored of God! I can accomplish more in one hour with God’s favor than most people can in a lifetime.

It’s not how long I live, but how strong I live. Joseph went from jailhouse to the penthouse in one day. He found great favor with both God and men. Am I looking for God’s favor in my life? Take advantage of the Holy Spirit’s anointing and tap into the Source of all life, knowing that every good and perfect thing comes from above.

I am called with a holy calling. The vision I have for my life is inspired by the fire of hope, which comes from God’s anointing. This hope should impassion me to work with God to reach my divine destiny. Go after it with my eye on the prize, for nothing is impossible with God.