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Tuesday, July 24, 2012

Living At Peace - As Far As It Depends On Me

In summary of Romans 12:18 it says, "If possible and to the best of your ability, live at peace and to get along with everybody."

Bottom Line:
If possible and to the best of your ability, do all you can to at peace, getting along with everybody.

What this means to me:  
If it is possible, God wants me to do all I can (as far as it depends on me) to live in peace and get along with everybody I encounter.    This is a big “if it’s possible” not always “it is possible”.  Secondly his word tells me “as far as it depends on me.”  There are some individuals in which nothing I can do will bring peace with them.  Often it’s directly related to their pain and their hurt.  What I need to realize is that it may not always be about me.  When I run into situations like this the best I can do is continue to do what I know is right and possibly just be silent / leave it alone.  I can however pray for them and then leave it in God’s hands.