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Thursday, December 21, 2017

Giving God The Glory

In review of Isaiah 42:8 it says, “I am the Lord, that is My name; and My glory I will not give to another, nor My praise to carved images.”

Bottom Line:
God is our Lord, don’t give glory to anyone but Him.

What this means to me:
God is my Lord, I am to not give glory due to him, to anyone else, or any carved idols.

Today's passage comes from Isaiah 42 and speaks of the Lord's chosen servant. Some of these same verses are quoted in Matthew 12:18-21 with reference to Christ. The chosen servant reveals a character of gentleness, encouragement, justice, and truth. When I feel broken and bruised or burned out in my spiritual life, God won't step on you or toss you aside as useless, but will gently pick you up. God's loving attributes are desperately needed in the world today. Through God's Spirit, we can show such sensitivity to people around us, reflecting God's goodness and honesty to them.

These verses are about the Servant-Messiah, not the servant Cyrus spoken of in the previous chapter. Israel and the Messiah are both often call servant. Israel, as God's servant, was to help bring the world to a knowledge of God. The Messiah, Jesus, would fulfill this task and show God himself to the world.

I'm reminded this morning that part of Christ's mission on earth was to demonstrate God's righteousness and to be a light for the Gentiles (to all nations). Through Christ, all people have the opportunity to share in his mission. God calls me to be servants of his Son demonstrating God's righteousness and bringing his light. What a rare privilege it is to help the Messiah fulfill his mission! But I must seek his righteousness before I demonstrate it to others, and let his light shine in me before I can be a light myself.

God shares His glory with no one. Jesus didn’t come to earth because He needed us. He came because we needed Him. If anyone tries to take God’s glory, He will take His anointing away. Be warned the glory belongs to the Lord. When I share His message, do not add to it or take away from it. The Word needs no further interpretation. It was inspired by Almighty God, and its message is life-changing and true. Give God the glory, showers of blessings are likely to head my way.